Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ready. Set. Go!

Where does one start when introducing a blog about “strategy”?

It’s the question I’ve been mulling over ever since I first decided that a blog would be a great forum for exchanging ideas with others who are interested in applying strategic principles to modern challenges/opportunities.

So let's do this...Let's start with a simple visual illustration of what focused, effective and action-oriented strategy looks like.

Have a look at this short video. It’s a classic sketch from Monty Python and it shows what happens to organizations, teams, businesses, groups that don’t have a clear and focused strategy

Now contrast that scene with a quick look at this short Youtube video of the men’s 100m dash at the Beijing Olympics…

I like this visual contrast because it shows in less than a minute what strategy is all about. At its core, strategy is about developing a simple, clear purpose/goal (in this case, crossing the finish line first) and then focusing your efforts (stay in your lanes), despite all the distractions around you (the competition, cheering/booing crowd, camera flashes), to identify and execute(that's right, EXECUTE!) all the necessary tasks needed to complete your purpose/goal successfully (run like you’ve trained/been coached).

It's a simple reminder…It’s very easy for organizations and their leaders to get lost in all of the distractions around them. To be an effective leader, you must paint a clear “finish line”, focus your people, tools and resources and then encourage them to sprint towards it. Otherwise, you’re just holding a race for people with no direction.

“Never mistake activity for achievement.” (John Wooden)

 If you're looking for a great resource on strategic leadership, I recommend you begin with Simon Sinek's book "Start With Why". It's a book I've recommended to all my clients and associates, especially those who are in organizations that have been around for a long time. (I'm new to this blogging thing but I believe you can use the Amazon search bar tool at right to find out more about the book.)

I've also posted links to the blogs of a number of authors and bloggers that I find especially insightful. What books, blogs or other resources would you recommend for strategic leaders?